Wednesday, November 14, 2007

College Registration

Over the last week, I have been registering for college classes. The last time I attended college was way back in 2001. At that time, I had get a large cataloge from the registar's office and serach in it for what classes I wanted. After I found all the classes, I filled out a form requesting a seat in those classes. A little while later, I received notice that I had been enrolled into those classes or that those classes were full and I needed to reschedule that class. However, now it is totally different. Everything is done online. Maybe I'm just really old-fashioned, but I still like to do things in person. I feel like that it is easier to fix problems if I can talk to a person, than if I have to search around a website looking for the answer. I do like, however, the immediate access to information about class size and eligibility. I guess that there are up's and down's to everything being done on the internet.


pilotboywa said...

I thought you weren't going to start classes until next fall. It is looking like I will not be starting classes in January.

Mo Bloggin' said...

I am going to another college for this semester, then I will be moving up there to go to school.